Dorottya Hetenyi
Research Assistant
University of Birmingham
Dorottya has obtained an MSc degree in Brain Imaging and Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Birmingham in 2020 where she investigated the relationship between unilateral/cross-modal sensory tasks induced event-related-responses (MEG) and contralateral/ipsilateral BOLD responses (fMRI) in sensorimotor cortex and visual cortex. From April 2022, she will start her PhD Studentship position, under the supervision of Dr Peter Kok in Visual Perception Group at University College London. Dorottya has joined the Neuronal Oscillations Group (under the supervision of Professor Ole Jensen) in April 2019 and started as a Research Associate in the COGITATE consortium contributing to the simultaneous EEG and MEG data collection. Her main responsibilities focus on participants recruitment, neuroimaging data anonymization and preparation prior uploading to XNAT. Dorottya is fascinated by how the myriad building blocks of brain functions give rise to our cognition. Therefore, she would like to apply different neuroimaging modalities to study the neurobiological basis of feedforward and feedback connections between brain areas and investigate the interaction between these neural mechanisms to understand how the brain integrates and modulates sensory inputs for shedding lights on the complex neural mechanisms underlying our perception.