Fatemeh Taheriyan

Data Curator
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics

Fatemeh holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Shahrood University of Technology and a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology, both earned in Iran. Prior to her role as a Data Curator in Dr. Lucia Melloni's group, she interned at the Donders Institute, collaborating on fMRI dataset analysis projects under the guidance of Prof. David G. Norris.

With over two years of experience in research and biomedical data analysis, she has contributed to a variety of projects. Noteworthy among these are the development of a data-driven method for denoising resting-state fMRI datasets, analysis of the ABC (Arterial Blood Contrast) dataset, extraction and computation of morphological parameters of ECG signals, and modeling the Wind-up phenomenon of the spinal cord, often linked with chronic pain.

Fatemeh's main research interests revolve around medical signal/image processing and data analysis. She is enthusiastic about expanding her involvement in innovative biomedical engineering research, particularly in leveraging artificial intelligence techniques to tackle challenges within the healthcare sector.