Hal Blumenfeld
Principle Investigator
Yale University - School of Medicine
Floris de Lange investigates how the human brain forms and uses predictions to facilitate perception and decision-making. Drawing on several complementary methods to non-invasive measure brain activity (MEG, fMRI), psychophysics and computational methods, the Predictive Brain Lab aims to understand when, where, how and why predictive signals interact with sensory and decisional processes in the human brain.
Key publications
Herman WX, Smith RE, Kronemer SI, Watsky RE, Chen WC, Gober LM, Touloumes GJ, Khosla M, Raja A, Horien CL, Morse EC, Botta KL, Hirsch LJ, Alkawadri R, Gerrard JL, Spencer DD, Blumenfeld H. A Switch and Wave of Neuronal Activity in the Cerebral Cortex During the First Second of Conscious Perception. Cereb Cortex. 2019 Feb 1;29(2):461-474. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhx327.